Forbidden expressions

All variations of these words and expressions are prohibited, including those using censorship or using a foreign language

Statements based on belonging to a social group

xxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxxxx x xxx xxxxx

Statements based on gender, race

xxxxxx, xxxxxx, xxx x xxx xxxxx

Statements aimed at inciting ethnic hatred

xxxxx, xxxxx, xxx x xxx xxxxx

In a negative sense, insulting someone

xxxxxx, xxxx, xxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx x xxx xxxxx

It is prohibited to distribute materials prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation

It is also prohibited to use extremist materials and mention organizations recognized as terrorist in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Списки размещены на сайте Министерства юстиции Российской Федерации, а также на сайте ФСБ России

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Development by DormantCat, YanFLEX

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